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Kubernetes 社区会议记录 - 20160204

2月4日 - rkt演示(祝贺 1.0 版本, CoreOS!), eBay 将 k8s 放在 Openstack 上并认为 Openstack 在 k8s, SIG 和片状测试激增方面取得了进展。

Kubernetes 贡献社区在每周四 10:00 PT 开会,通过视频会议讨论项目状态。以下是最近一次会议的笔记。

  • 书记员:Rob Hirschfeld
  • 演示视频(20分钟):CoreOS rkt + Kubernetes[Shaya Potter]
    • 期待在未来几个月内看到与rkt和k8s的整合(“rkt-netes”)。 还没有集成到 v1.2版本中。
    • Shaya 做了一个演示(8分钟的会议视频参考)
      • rkt的CLI显示了旋转容器
      • [注意:音频在点数上是乱码]
      • 关于 k8s&rkt 整合的讨论
      • 下周 rkt 社区同步:https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/rkt-dev/FlwZVIEJGbY
      • Dawn Chen:
        • 将 rkt 与 kubernetes 集成的其余问题:1)cadivsor 2) DNS 3)与日志记录相关的错误
        • 但是需要在 e2e 测试套件上做更多的工作 <!–
  • Use Case (10 min): eBay k8s on OpenStack and OpenStack on k8s [Ashwin Raveendran]
    • eBay is currently running Kubernetes on OpenStack
    • Goal for eBay is to manage the OpenStack control plane w/ k8s. Goal would be to achieve upgrades
    • OpenStack Kolla creates containers for the control plane. Uses Ansible+Docker for management of the containers.
    • Working on k8s control plan management - Saltstack is proving to be a management challenge at the scale they want to operate. Looking for automated management of the k8s control plane. –>
  • 用例(10分钟):在 OpenStack 上的 eBay k8s 和 k8s 上的 OpenStack [Ashwin Raveendran]
    • eBay 目前正在 OpenStack 上运行 Kubernetes
    • eBay 的目标是管理带有 k8s 的 OpenStack 控制平面。目标是实现升级。
    • OpenStack Kolla 为控制平面创建容器。使用 Ansible+Docker 来管理容器。
    • 致力于 k8s 控制计划管理 - Saltstack 被证明是他们想运营的规模的管理挑战。寻找 k8s 控制平面的自动化管理。 <!–
  • SIG Report
  • Testing update [Jeff, Joe, and Erick]
    • Working to make the workflow about contributing to K8s easier to understanding
      • pull/19714 has flow chart of the bot flow to help users understand
    • Need a consistent way to run tests w/ hacking config scripts (you have to fake a Jenkins process right now)
    • Want to create necessary infrastructure to make test setup less flaky
    • want to decouple test start (single or full) from Jenkins
    • goal is to get to point where you have 1 script to run that can be pointed to any cluster
    • demo included Google internal views - working to try get that external.
    • want to be able to collect test run results
    • Bob Wise calls for testing infrastructure to be a blocker on v1.3
    • Long discussion about testing practices…
      • consensus that we want to have tests work over multiple platforms.
      • would be helpful to have a comprehensive state dump for test reports
      • “phone-home” to collect stack traces - should be available –>
  • SIG 报告
  • 测试更新 [Jeff, Joe, 和 Erick]
    • 努力使有助于 K8s 的工作流程更容易理解
      • pull/19714有 bot 流程图来帮助用户理解
    • 需要一种一致的方法来运行测试 w/hacking 配置脚本(你现在必须伪造一个 Jenkins 进程)
    • 想要创建必要的基础设施,使测试设置不那么薄弱
    • 想要将测试开始(单次或完整)与 Jenkins分离
    • 目标是指出你有一个可以指向任何集群的脚本
    • 演示包括 Google 内部视图 - 努力尝试获取外部视图。
    • 希望能够收集测试运行结果
    • Bob Wise 不赞同在 v1.3 版本进行测试方面的基础设施建设。
    • 关于测试实践的长期讨论…
      • 我们希望在多个平台上进行测试的共识。
      • 为测试报告提供一个全面转储会很有帮助
      • 可以使用”phone-home”收集异常
  • 1.2发布观察
  • CoC [Sarah]
  • GSoC [Sarah]

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Friday, March 20, 2015

Welcome to the Kubernetes Blog!

Welcome to the new Kubernetes Blog. Follow this blog to learn about the Kubernetes Open Source project. We plan to post release notes, how-to articles, events, and maybe even some off topic fun here from time to time.

If you are using Kubernetes or contributing to the project and would like to do a guest post, please let me know.

To start things off, here’s a roundup of recent Kubernetes posts from other sites:

Happy cloud computing!

  • Kit Merker - Product Manager, Google Cloud Platform